Just a quick post to bring everyone's attention to a couple of important announcements.
Reminder: Town Hall Meeting August 3rd
The homeowner townhall meeting will take place on Saturday, August 3rd at the San Nicholas pool (aka upper pool).
It will be an open forum to discuss a potential special assessment and/or loan for the following capital projects/repairs:
Community Wide Re-pipe Proposals (and project management proposal)
Asphalt / Concrete Repairs/Replacement Proposals
Siding, Trim, Fascia, and Beam Replacement Proposals
Wrought Iron Fence Replacement Proposals
Concrete Pool Deck Replacement Proposals
Board of Directors Candidate Submission
Want to serve on the board and do your part to support the community here at The Terraces at Canyon Hills? The annual election is coming up next month, but interested candidates need to submit their declaration of candidacy no later than August 16, 2019 to ensure that your information is included in any election solicitation materials.
Click below for full details and to download the application.
Declaration of Candidacy