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Mark Badran

Terrace Tribune – August 2019

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Welcome to another edition of the Terrace Tribune for August 2019. This month we’ve got some important announcements including a date for the second homeowner townhall meeting, a request for volunteers on various HOA committees, and a few write-in candidates for the upcoming board elections from folks that didn’t quite make the deadline for submitting an application.

Townhall Meeting #2 on Saturday September 7

UPDATE: This meeting has been postponed until after the new Board of Directors is elected on September 19, 2019.

Following a lively first townhall meeting last month to discuss funding of various upcoming capital projects, a follow up townhall meeting #2 is scheduled for:

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Begins at 10:00 AM at the San Nicholas Court Pool (600 circle)

Be sure to save the date and stay tuned for additional details on meeting location and agenda.

And be sure to review the FAQs that were posted following the first meeting:

Write-in Candidates for Board of Directors

Here are a couple of more people that have “thrown their hat in the ring” as candidates for the upcoming annual election of the board of directors. These folks missed the deadline for application submission and thus are not shown on your ballot (which you should have received already). If you’d like to vote for any of them, simply write his or her name in the space provided on the ballot (labeled “write-in name in parentheses).

Kim Fields

109 Santa Rosa Court


I have chosen to run as a write in candidate and would like to ask you for your vote. It is a very important time with extremely important issues to be considered by the HOA board of directors and if elected, I intend to work in the best interest of the homeowners of this community, particularly when it relates to financial encumbrances and quality of life matters.

Please give me your write-in vote and I will give you my very best ability to keep down costs, remain unindebted, and regulate the needs of our community with a very light footprint in the lives of its residents.

Bettina Rey

Owner at 309 San Nicholas Court


I love Laguna Beach and have lived here for 29 years. I hold a Masters in Marketing and Finance from Oslo Business School, Norway.

Over 30 years of experience in Management as an owner and operator including Property Management, turning around and rebranding properties, remodeling of properties, mortgage work out, acquisition, 1031 Exchanges, and dispositions of property.

I have over 30 years of experience with building maintenance and understand the cost versus budget associated with maintaining older buildings. I supervise several maintenance workers and understand the challenges faced with limited budget.

I have served on several HOA Boards, miscellaneous volunteer boards (PTA etc), and “Women inCommercial Real Estate” Board. Strong understanding of finance and accounting with excellent knowledge of how to balance a budget. Good communicator who understand how to build consensus and achieve both financial and strategic goals.

Great “eye” for design that could help The Terrace HOA in the future.

As you can see from my qualifications and experience in property management and operations listed above, I feel I would add value and skills that would enhance the Board and The Terrace Home Owners Association. I believe I could contribute a lot to The Terrace HOA Board and think that adding a woman to the Board would also help diversify the makeup and help bring in some fresh new ideas.

Thank you for considering me for this board position and I look forward to serving in the near future if the members of the HOA elect me to be a Member of the Board of Directors.

Volunteers Needed to Support Our Committees

As many of you know, we have a handful of committees that oversee a few important aspects of our community including:

  • Landscape Committee

  • Maintenance Committee

  • Architectural Committee

  • Communications Committee

Currently, all of these are comprised of a “committee of 1.” In other words, there is only one homeowner serving on each committee and that isn’t necessarily ideal. More people participating on the various committees brings with it a wider range of ideas, perspectives, experience, and other attributes that can help round out the committees so they’re more effective in serving the community as a whole.

With that in mind, this is an open casting call to any homeowners that want to pitch in, do their part, and help your fellow homeowners by serving on a committee.

In general, here’s what’s entailed for each:

Landscape Committee – ideally, some experience in landscaping and planning material. Includes a once-per-month walkthrough with our property management and landscaping companies to examine the front and back of units, assess landscaping needs, identify problem areas, and/or potential improvements (based on budget). Committee members would also develop detailed punch lists of items to be addressed by management and service providers, write email correspondence, and communicate recommendations and project updates to board in person and in writing.

Maintenance Committee - ideally, some experience with construction or project management. Includes a once-per-month walkthrough with our property management and maintenance companies to examine the front and back of units, assess needs, problem areas, and/or potential improvements (based on budget). Committee members would also develop detailed punch lists of items to be addressed by management and service providers, write email correspondence, and communicate recommendations and project updates to board in person and in writing.

Architectural Committee – review and approve or deny architectural applications for homeowner-requested modifications based on established architectural guidelines. Participants would also ideally attend board meetings, as needed based on current applications, to guide the board when deciding on appeals.

Communications Committee – help develop newsletters and other communications to homeowners to keep them informed about current happenings within the community, HOA, and board.

If you’d like to participate on a committee, please contact our property manager Eric Fordyce at (949) 330-6350 or by email to

Parking Reminder

Many homeowners are voicing concern about the frequency of residents that are consistently parking in guest spots. This is a reminder that residents are not permitted to park in guest parking spaces without approval from the board of directors or in emergency/extenuating circumstances.

In particular, it has been noted that certain residents are consistently parking in a guest space after work – and remain there for several hours - rather than parking in their garage. On occasion, there may be a need to park in a guest spot temporarily and infrequently (i.e. having construction or other work done at your unit). But when it’s done consistently, several days a week, and by many of the same residents, it starts to become a problem. Several homeowners that attended a recent board meeting suggested the formation of a parking committee, a possible permit system, fines, and other measures to curb the problem. Let’s be reasonable and not let it get to that point.

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